Your Top Things To Do In The Garden This Easter


Now a quarter of the year is already behind us (where does the time go?), we’re seeing definite signs that Spring has sprung. After the recent wind and rain, we’re starting to see a bit more sunshine, so it’s the perfect time to get out and show your garden some TLC. Here’s our list of your top things to do in the garden this Easter break.

  1. General garden maintenance

After the rough weather we’ve had, plus the time of year, there’ll be plenty of dead leaves, fallen twigs and branches, and other scraps to clear from your garden. Use a rake to gather and dispose in your compost heap or your garden waste recycling bin. It’s also a good time for a general tidy up and to check if any repairs are needed to fences, trellis, or sheds.

  1. Get weeding

Weeds are cropping up everywhere at this time of year. Whether you dig them out by fork, trowel, or hand or use a weed killer, dealing with them now will help you keep on top of them throughout the months ahead. Check your beds and borders as well as any gravelled areas, pathways, and patios.

  1. Get feeding

After you’ve weeded them, give your beds and borders a well-earned feed with a slow-release, nutrient-rich fertiliser. If you already have plants growing, carefully work in a top dressing around them. If your beds are empty, digging in fertiliser or compost before you sow or plant anything will give new plants everything they need to flourish.

  1. Get planting

This time of year is the perfect chance to fill your beds, borders, and pots with annual and perennial plants, shrubs, and rose bushes. Getting them planted up now will give your garden splashes of colour all through the summer. But to give your garden a bit more colour before then, buy and plant something that’s already in flower.

If you’re a ‘grow your own’ fan, April’s just the right time to start sowing your veg for the months ahead. If soil and conditions are right, parsnips, cabbages, carrots, leeks, and potatoes can all be sown, giving you a yield from around June onwards.

  1. Dust off your mower

Your grass is just starting to spring back into life, so now’s the time to give your lawn its first trim of the year. A light mow – just enough to take the tops off – leaving the grass about an inch long will be enough. If it needs it – and it’s safe for pets and children – you could also sprinkle some lawn ‘weed and feed’ to get it looking its best for the summer.

If you’re a gardener, you’re probably itching to get started on the list of jobs waiting for you. But if, like me, the thought of gardening leaves you feeling overwhelmed, this is a good time to tackle some of these easier tasks so you can make the most of your garden in the summer.

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