The nights are drawing in, and with just over a month before Christmas (already!), it can only mean it’s time for the world to go crazy over Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping deals. These two stand-out shopping days have become bigger and bigger over recent years, but what are they all about? And what are 3 Donkeys going to be offering to celebrate?
What is Black Friday?
As with many things, Black Friday made its way over to the UK from the USA. It started in the 50s when shops decided to start their sales the day after Thanksgiving in the run-up to Christmas. And not much has changed since, except it now happens in many more countries. Just 24 hours long, it’s seen as the ultimate day to get some pretty serious in-store bargains, with all major retailers offering some kind of deal on a range of goods.
OK, so what’s Cyber Monday?
Where Black Friday is traditionally an in-store promotion for bricks and mortar shops that goes back some 50 years, Cyber Monday is a relatively new (it first started in 2005) online-only extension. It’s a 24-hour event where shops and retailers push online shopping, offering deals, discounts, and savings on a range of products on their websites.
When are Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
Both events are held at the same time each year to tie in with the US Thanksgiving celebrations. They always happen on the fourth Thursday in November, though dates will change according to how the calendar falls.
Black Friday is always the day after Thanksgiving, with Cyber Monday following after the weekend. This year, Black Friday is November 25, with Cyber Monday following on November 28. While both days are only supposed to be 24-hour flash sales, many physical and online retailers often start their sales earlier and finish them later.
Is it all worth it?
It might seem like there’s a lot of hype about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and many see it as a bit of a cynical ploy to get people to spend money. But it’s worth waiting to see what’s on offer if you’re genuinely in need and looking for higher-value items like a TV or a laptop. Just don’t get carried away!
Are 3 Donkeys doing any Black Friday deals?
As we don’t have a physical shop for people to visit, our full range of 3 Donkeys ladies coveralls, apparel, and accessories are only available online – all day, every day. As a rule, we don’t usually offer discounts because we’re a small, family-run SME. But many of the eagle-eyed among you will already know we offer a 10% discount on your first order when you subscribe to our newsletter.
But this year, to cover Black Friday and Cyber Monday and the days before and after, we’re offering all newsletter subscribers an increased 15% off (not inc. P&P) any order between November 18 and December 2. We’ll let you know the code very soon, and you’ll just need to add it when you checkout your order.
Add 3 Donkeys to your Christmas wish list
So why not shop our full range of Original, Classic, and Dartmoor Equestrian ladies coveralls today and check our growing range of 3 Donkeys apparel and accessories? There’s something for everyone and plenty of new additions to make the perfect Christmas gift for someone special. If you need more info, call us at 3DHQ on 01837 658 328 or email: