Best Tips To Help Protect Yourself From Ticks This Summer

Two ladies wearing 3- Donkeys women's coveralls in long grass and woodland.

As summer arrives and we all enjoy the great outdoors and the wildlife around us, it’s a good time to remind ourselves that not all wildlife is cute or cuddly. Ticks – those nasty, blood-sucking parasites – are out in force at this time of year and can be a potential health hazard. However, taking a few simple precautions can protect yourself and reduce the risk of tick-related illnesses. Here are some tips to help you stay safe and enjoy a tick-free summer.

What are ticks?

Ticks are part of the spider family and are common blood-sucking parasites that feed on animals, birds, and reptiles – and humans – while spreading all sorts of infectious diseases, including Lymes Disease, along the way. While ticks are around most of the year, they’re usually active from around March through the summer until October.

They’re most common in areas with long grass or woodland, where they wait for a ‘host’ to brush against them, which could be a dog or a cat – or you! The tick will then attach itself by biting into the skin., feeding on the host’s blood for several days or weeks before detaching and dropping off. Eeewwww.

However, 2023 is a particularly bad year for ticks. While they’re known for transmitting the bacterial infection, Lymes Disease, to humans, a dangerous virus called Encephalitis virus (TBEV) has been found in the UK after it was detected in a man from Yorkshire. While cases of the virus are small, it could be anywhere in the UK as the species of tick that carries the virus is widespread.

How to protect yourself from ticks

If you own dogs, cats, or horses, you’ll know that ticks can latch onto them. But with regular worm and tick medication, they can be kept healthy and tick-free. But a tick bite can be dangerous for humans. And because they’re so small, they can be hard to spot, so it’s worth taking precautions. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself:

Tick pest control

Use insect repellents that contain DEET to protect against ticks and other biting insects. You can spray it directly onto your skin, particularly ankles, legs, wrists, and other areas where ticks are likely to make contact. However, like other insect repellents, it may cause an allergic reaction, so beware.

Check for ticks

After you’ve been out for a walk, check your whole body for ticks that may have latched onto you as soon as possible. You may not feel or see them bite, so checking is essential. If you find any, remove them carefully using fine tweezers or a tick-removal tool – not your fingers. 

Wear protective clothing

It might be a bit warm in the summer, but if you go into areas where ticks are more likely to be, wear long-sleeved shirts or tops, long trousers (like the trousers of our women’s coveralls) rather than shorts, and closed footwear instead of sandals or flip-flops. And tucking trousers into socks or wearing Wellington boots can also protect against ticks crawling up your legs.

Tick-resistant women’s coveralls

Our ladies’ coveralls are perfect for outdoor work, keeping you dust and dirt-free. But thanks to their unique 2-into-1 design, they make for excellent protective clothing against ticks. Whether you wear them as the all-in-one coverall or unzip them into separate jacket and trouser, wearing them will give you the tick-resistant protection you need if you’re venturing into open grassland or woodland.

Check out our complete range of women’s 3 Donkeys coveralls, all of which include our revolutionary 2-way, heavy-duty waist zip giving you maximum functionality, practicality, and protection. So, whether riding horses or walking the dog, you can choose the coveralls you need. If you need more info on our coveralls, call us on 01837 658 328 or email today.

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